The second variant contains water pipes instead, accompanied by the sounds of dripping water.

The first variant has a grated off area with some guns.

Two variations of this room can be found. The T-Shaped Room is a room in the form of a "T" and is mainly here to link all the other rooms together. The Corner Room is an o-shaped hall containing three doors, two of which connect the hall to other rooms, and a third which is inoperable. Because of this, it is recommended that the player blink before he enters the test room, as SCP-173 will kill him if he blinks or if he takes his eyes off it. Inside the other section, SCP-173 will spawn and follow a guided path around the room until he will break the glass. The test room is separated in two sections, one where the observer is, and the other which is separated by glass and a door. He will find the test room itself behind that door, which contains a level 2 keycard and an S-Nav 300. Upon opening the keycard-locked door in the hallway, the player will find an inoperable door in front of him and an accessible door to his immediate left. The test room is located inside a hallway. The player must be wary of these rooms, as SCP-173 will often spawn in the offshoot hallway, below the ventilation shaft. Once the button is pressed, it will open one door and then close the other. Once the player enters this room, they must take a turn down the short, intersecting closet to press the button. The T-Shaped Lockroom is a red-lit room in the shape of a T, as the name implies. The first room after SCP-173 kills the two personnel. If 173 is disabled, the guard can be seen walking backwards with a Class-D far behind him. After the breach events starts and you walk down the stairs on the right from where the scientists are working at, SCP-173 can be seen with a guard directly staring at it. It consists of the containment chamber for SCP-173, an inaccessible door to the right, a balcony to the left where the ladder and spectator present on the platform, and a room where the intercom voice resides. This is the first room that the player will come across before the breach. Light Containment Zone SCP-173's Containment Chamber 4.14 SCP-860 and SCP-1025's Containment Chamber.

2.12 Light - Heavy Containment Zone Checkpoint Room.