The following expression states that as x approaches the value c and x < c the function approaches the value L. The following expression states that as x approaches the value c and x > c the function approaches the value L. The following expression states that as x approaches the value c the function approaches the value L.

This value can be any point on the number line and often limits are evaluated as an argument approaches infinity or minus infinity.

Maybe that’s for version 2.0.The limit is a method of evaluating an expression as an argument approaches a value. (I will admit that I did not include anything about inverse trig functions. If I left anything off, let me know in the comments. Feel free to download this pdf for yourself or to share with your students. Here’s what I came up with-one sheet, front and back. I was trying to think about which ones we use again and again.

I didn’t want to go overboard with the trig identities, for instance. (I also knew that I could give it to my students the next time I taught Calculus.) I wanted it to be compact. So I decided to make a cheat sheet that contains all of the essential information on trigonometry that he will need for his calculus class-reference triangles, the unit circle, some trigonometric identities, and so forth. Needless to say, the end of the school year didn’t go as planned. He said that they were supposed learn trigonometry last spring after the COVID-19 pandemic hit and school switched to fully online. While talking to him about his homework, I have come to realize that his knowledge of trigonometry is pretty weak. My son is taking a calculus course in high school this year.